2013-06-19 // 18:57:15

3 days and night of live polaroid shooting in RockIsland Festival in Marseille 27/28/29 june.

2012-09-22 // 03:56:11

Just to people around my town : Marseille, France, since this summer i started to work for Galeries Lafayette happenings with and trendy hair dresser i use to work with in fashion, we made a lot of pics with my Konica Instant Press coupled with an old fresnel Cremer light stage converted in flash by a small flash french company in the 70's. I'm very glad of the results, you can check some results here :

I will be on "Aires Libres" the 30th September (my birthday) »link
We just bought 60 boxes of fuji FP-100C (6€/box)

During the the first "Rock Island" Festival in Mraseille i had work with KULTE brand fashion designer , some results here: »link

I've made also Pecha Kucha Provence double anniversary.

On the October 5th an other Polaroid instant Happening at the new "Backside Gallery" in the quartier du Panier Marseille : »link

I dunnot scan anymore my pics, i give them and i would say :"Long Life to FUJIFILM!"

2011-06-09 // 17:16:03

Last night was a long night as every night, i am the barman here, 25 years ago i used to be a customer too there, the last one in Marseille opened after 2AM, my boss is a lady with a big L, i love her, we were us two behind the bar when the shooting session began, after the two first bullets that i had took the time to watch like i can't say exactly why, i sprung on the floor. It was a nice guy.
When i've looked at the dead body with a big river of blood running on the floor my first thought was for WEEGEE, and...
Tonight i work again.

2011-01-21 // 05:00:54

Never weared (too small), with box, 50$ + shipping.
Contact me on my my website »link

2011-01-04 // 13:19:32

Anyone wants a SX-70, 190 Land or Big Shot Badge ?
No matter!
I opened the first day of this fucking 2011 year, an online shop with high quality vectorized draw graphics in a black and white spirit, not only cams but even pictures.
See all designs here, then click on one and see what products & sizes related with are available.



2009-02-27 // 02:28:49

Selling my stock of 55 and 665 to travel with
Darya »link
eBay »link
A very difficult choice...

2009-02-07 // 05:13:14

J'ai trouvé une super assistante qui fait très bien des polas à Darya qui est aussi une super bonne cuisinière, à bientôt pour quelques 665. (j'ai plus que ça!)

2008-11-20 // 13:36:49

On s'en fout de 2012, le matin y a des hélicopteres qui nous surveillent à Harlem, en rangée de trois au dessus de nos gueules de métèques.

Rien, absolument rein ne s'est passé ici croyez moi le 4, les médias mentent.

Mise à part la montée des actions des soupes Campbell...

2008-11-20 // 09:12:10

Hello from HARLEM... (Village is really boring except East one, what it stays must say...) and as said to me my friend Hologramme i'd changed colors to B&W...

2008-11-12 // 06:17:45

6,3 € le pack de FP100C chez B&H, le 4x5 est bien plus cher par contre en rapport de la taille, Bon Baisers de la ville qui ne dort pas et moi non plus d'ailleurs...