2010-06-21 // 12:51:55

Bored of all the TIP arm chair critics - Fuck off and grow up, go make your own film!

Go TIP!!!!

2010-06-21 // 12:47:10

Oh wow, just discovered Ilford Antistatic cloth for wiping down polaroids and scanner before scanning. No more hours of dust spotting!

2010-04-03 // 15:54:22

Hey Mike,

I'm sure keeping it the fridge is the same as any film. ie. good.

It's the process of developing with the chemistry that needs to be within certain temperature parameters. Like developing any film, temperature makes a massive difference.

But if you've taken it out of the fridge, you should definitely wait until it has warmed to room temp to shoot it!

2009-09-18 // 00:56:14

I just read that Polaroid, the company is going to start making film again!? This is a recent article (Sept 4) and I hope it's not the same as the news coming out a year or so ago about the 3 packfilms etc...

This is probably old news to some of you if true so sorry if this link has already been posted, but it just made me so happy I had to post this link. It seems like a legit source and very promising. Anyone know any more?


The important bit is in the last paragraph. "We are going to relaunch maybe a camera, and definitely some film"

2008-11-27 // 20:02:29

who ever is responsible for the changing logo on polapremium...it's seriously fucking AMAZING!

2008-06-10 // 14:37:55

not sure if this has been posted here before, but thought you good polanoiders might like it. 20 years of taking a polaroid almost every day.


2008-04-29 // 12:34:10

Petters...the worlds future and history of instant photography is being dangled on the end of a string like a carrot by the worlds biggest twit. Surely it can't be legal..call the UN! Call someone!

2008-04-29 // 05:43:23


April 18th, 2008, Mobberley, Cheshire UK and Minnetonka, MN, USA -- HARMAN technology Limited and its monochrome brand, ILFORD Photo and Polaroid Worldwide have been in discussions about ILFORD Photo taking on production of Polaroid's black and white professional instant sheet film. Despite their best efforts, together the prospective partners have determined that they can not find a commercially viable way forward.

HARMAN's Chairman and Managing Director, Phil Harris said. " The processes involved in the manufacture and assembly of professional instant sheet film products are very demanding and it would require substantial investment to re-establish them at HARMAN technology's site in Cheshire, England. When compared with current and projected sales for the products, it was clear that such an investment could not be justified."

Phil Harris continues: " While we had hoped to work together on continuing the production of instant sheet film, it is cost prohibitive to meet the declining demand. As a company, we are saddened that such an inspirational form of expression will disappear, but we will always remain staunchly committed to the long term future of monochrome photography in all its facets and we will continue to do everything we can to support it".

2008-04-28 // 08:01:00

Thanks loosetooth....

I'm heading back to London from Oz so hopefully it won't be a problem. I'm bringing with me my new baby boy so he and his entourage of bits has taken up my weight allowance which is a paltry 20kgs. I'm wondering if I should send him through the post instead...teehee.


2008-04-27 // 19:03:26

I'm moving country. Again. My most prized possessions need to be shipped internationally. Has anyone sent polaroid film through the post? Shipped it with a courier company? Has anyone had problems re xray machines? I'd hate to loose my entire stock from xray machines...

any ideas?