2012-09-09 // 08:26:41

If anyone is in Paris looking for something to do I have some Polaroids and a poster in a very nice exhibitioin at Florence Loewy for the next few weeks.



2012-06-04 // 17:45:01

Anyone have a ground glass focusing screen for the 600se (or mamiya press) they don't use? Wanna swap/sell?

I have quite a bit of film (sx-70/Blend/669/80 choc/etc) that could exchange for it.

Thanks x

2011-10-31 // 15:32:31

If anyone is around east London on Thursday (or the weekend) i'm showing a new film at Cell Project Space:


2011-10-27 // 19:20:53

Right now I'm Lia. And soon I will be Richard again?

2011-08-22 // 21:01:45

There's a difference between heated debate between interested parties and someone standing in the street shouting at everyone who happens to be walking past. Both are fine but the second one is quite annoying.

2011-08-15 // 19:04:23

Anyone have a mamiya press 6x9 back they want to sell/swap? I ve dropped mine and now it has horrible light leaks....

*edit. 6x9

2011-06-15 // 00:40:23

I just killed another sx-70....

Before I hit eBay.

Anyone have to sell or swap? I have loads of nice film.


2011-05-16 // 17:14:36

If anyone happens to be in East London and looking for a nice exhibition to see. I have a piece of work in Young British Art at Limoncello. It's a very packed but very nice show:


2011-05-16 // 14:34:45

So can we use the news feed for news now?

2010-10-26 // 14:03:51

I'm on the hunt for a few Bolex c-mount lenses. Get in touch if anyone has one they want to sell (I want them for 16mm not micro 4/3rds like everyone else who is buying them....)