Degan (Warrnambool, AU)

love her eye, coz very interesting what does she found.

audret (Montpellier, FR)

culleton (Nagasaki, JP)

i love his anarogue works!!

coxinel (., )

she is a sweet japanese lover!

jkreileder (Dortmund, DE)

in common, we love riod's blue!

punck (Ravenna, IT)

markpattenden (London, GB)

DaniLao (Prato, IT)

tonimarie (Odessa, NE, US)

Artsyken (Tokyo, JP)

mll0ll (, )

mattjudas (Levanto, IT)

esger (Annecy, FR)

his words always cheer me up!

yenchun (Taipei, TW)

one of my close friends:)

baldric (Gent, BE)

his works are always new. that's great:)

PhanieisFunny (Long Beach, Ca, US)

KneeBee (Wuerzburg, DE)

kale_akte (Lugano, CH)

i like fuzzy image shots, he has that. hope to se it more!

marta_v (Alicante, ES)

MA- (Nagoya, JP)

wish (Civitanova marche, IT)