carmendevos (Lochristi, BE)

she has a style of her own, a mind of her own, and was one of the first people i ever laughed out loud with without ever have met! now i've heard her voice on the telephone...oooh la la...very sexy lady!

b_rood (Zanzibar Town, TZ)

the only person on this polanoid planet who REALLY gets my oldest jokes, bohemian references, he is someone who has walked the walk AND talked the talk..back in our "good old days"

hazeldooney (Sydney, AU)

the best thing to happen to ccoh, since, *ME* ;-))

spitocco (, )

he always makes me smile!! (and is of course talented, vivacious, and i hear a very good kisser :-)

Norah.Goldenbogen (, )

my dear daughter Norah...whom i have not seen in years, who never calls, who makes me verklimt with worry when she stays out all night, still, she is one shayner maidel!

my daughter is missing!! does anyone know where she is???

artpunk (Melbourne, AU)

a colleague and artist. an inspiration.

centecente (Cremona, IT)

sweet gentle centecente. **star** of minpulating the films polanoidic

tiki (Nice, FR)

i suspect she is an ex-pat american. why? she is SO damn funny! driest sense of humor, great delivery, excellent timing...i give her a 9/10...NEXT!

Shlomo.Ben.Jussuf (Berlin, DE)

a lovely boychik, a scholar and a prince among men! an esteemed friend of Ms. Goldenboggen (owner of the travelling doggie)

pinksushi (Dubai, AE)

she is the only person in the WORLD who makes me feel like i have a fan!! thank you pink, you are an inspiration! (still looking for those cute skirts you desinged!!)

primenumber (Kansas City, US)

shares my passion for buildings, but is much more patient when capturing them on film! thoughtful, intelligent, a craftsman of beautiful b&w polas.

tschuli (St.Petersburg, RU)

my dearest litlle st. petersburgian sistah! my wonderful ghost of the hermitage!! my extraordinary world traveling minx in people clothing!! HELLLOOOOOO tschuli!!!

Sophie (Ann Arbor, US)

my gal pal and guide to the spirit world.

dash (Zwolle, )

an artist in every sense of the word.

stOOpidgErL (Detroit, US)

HOMEY! and wildly creative owner of a BFA (smart women are cool).

OuroborosX (New York, US)

a member of the original pola-transfer crew!! he's going to bring the Queen soon :-)

LiA (Wien, AT)

without a "d" she is the fighting tigress, soon to be web-wife of my charming liad (god willing ;-)

bbresler (Detroit, US)

newspaper guy, cigar smoker, collector of alien women. fellow michigander. outstanding polaroid manipulator.

missingshow (Cardiff, GB)

polanoider extraordinaire! set designer with a painter's eye! shy i id pic!

jillog (Washington DC, US)

a young woman who has a luxury i didn't think i could afford...devoting life to are my hero :-))

Joannes (Limoges, FR)

mysterious being (self portrait) who raises goddesses in her red lacquer garden. wonderful polas with deep emotion.

lhirondelle (Hanoi, VN)

makes each camera he holds perform like a million dollar studio....amazing work, amazing eye, gifted beyond words.

KPS (Enschede, NL)

grand master of color and light. every element of his pics contribute to the whole...a photo university in every shot.

7SAMURAI (Bangkok, TH)

voted best hair 2005, 2006, 2007. welcome to the polanoid planet! pola on!

aurelienD (Paris, FR)

where i go to find happiness and light! the most joyful artist on this site.

makray (Nottingham, GB)

always a new view in the world of makray! hey mak, let the kid take some pics ;-)

Urizen (Berlin, DE)

a polaroid magician, a kind man, keeper of sunny spaces.

brother_james (Reims, FR)

sweetness, shyness, polaness

eddie_austin_is_not_eccentric (Philadelphia, US)

"poor people are crazy, rich people are eccentric"...eddie austin is not eccentric...but he is damn funny :-))

karl (Kamuela, US)

had his arm twisted by the WM and was gracious enough to yell "uncle". should have been on american idol, instead he settled for polanoid! welcome karl :-)

franck (Paris, FR)

creator of secret worlds where he rules with a delicate and sensitive hand.

CecileA (Thonon-les-Bains, FR)

another dada/beaubourg/burglary fan:-)
"burglary:The breaking and entering the house of another in the night time, with intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felony be actually committed or not" hope she enjoys law school more than i did ;-)

Antoine (Marseille, FR)

gifted and talented and not afraid to strut his stuff.

williac (Columbus, US)

tied for first for coolest hair (with 7SAMURAI). verying interesting perspectives from the land down under (ohio ;-))

scootiepye (Newcastle upon Tyne, GB)

violet eyed on occasion. full of magic always.

demoforest (Albuquerque, US)

beautiful pics of places special to my heart! the great american southwest!

WebMeister (Wien, AT)

we don't idealize one another, but i think we understand one another in some very profound ways. of course i understand him better, cause i'm older, and i've got hair.

easy012 (Paris, FR)

beachwoodpark (Paris, FR)

makes me want to pick up my camera....and i will....soon.


PhotoDr (29 palms, US)

tschintschi (Wien, AT)

webmeisterin (Wien, AT)

for every Webmeister, there must be a Webmeisterin! and heeerrrreeeee she is :-))

k_tenmiller (Pittsburgh, US)

M0rph3u (Jersey City, US)

an old friend from a far place and a photographic time, so glad to see you here!