10 out of daNYCH's 20 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of daNYCH's pola-forites)
TO SEE OR NOT TO SEE THE DRESS (philippebourgoin)

Alexis on Fuji FP 100C Instant Film (michaelcinquino)

Erica Jay on Fuji-FP 100C (michaelcinquino)


just love it. this photo and bowling!
Nikki (solexposure)

gorgeous tones, great composition
hollywood (futurowoman)

nothing like expired film...
Washing Machine (Elia)

June (rabbitandsparrow)

ELSA & THE SUN (4) (philippebourgoin)

June (stevenhaberland)

simply fantastic.