10 out of mothslayer's 27 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of mothslayer's pola-forites)
... (buradori)

Do portraits get better? Me thinks doubtful.
Lucy (Herbstzeitlose)

Polka dots and a tattoo!
rachel (mrrcsmith)

She's got a killer tattoo...
Maura (solexposure)

Booty shorts and tube socks... oh, yeah, and some of the best frickin' light around.
ballerina (diobox)

The blown light and selective focus are brilliant.
Sweet dreams (mll0ll)

Zoetica (louobedlam)

it doesn't matter - the photo rocks!
Mlle N. [3] (Frenchcockpit)

Love the framing and chocolate texture.
Wedding Vows (esmarelda)

bum (mira)
