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Mikehoban 2011-04-05 // 19:00:37

This is NOT Ebay fun...(makes my films look cheap)


Mikehoban 2011-04-05 // 18:59:09

This IS Ebay fun.....


rodeo 2011-04-04 // 23:39:07

Ha - Ebay fun: »link

Mikehoban 2011-03-16 // 18:29:46

Love Ebay......100 Packs of 664 on the way. If only I could get if of the pesky 665.

g. 2011-03-16 // 18:15:53

bidding war is open:
zvevi and me are not bidding btw., so here's your chance to spend your money and get wet pants

rodeo 2011-03-16 // 18:13:55

Email her yourself through Ebay. As I say, I will forward this conversation onto her, but really I don't think it's anything to do with me. I do often send stuff to her house though, and it's true if there are Polaroid items being bought they end up in my hands at the end of the day (though I often wait two years for them!).

what is your ebay name?

rodeo 2011-03-16 // 18:00:05

No it wasn't me who bid, but I did say I wanted one to her ages ago when she was over. It is possible you have now rumbled her and that was my birthday present ? She writes obsessive lists of all the things i am looking for on ebay as she is a garage sale fan and goes hunting for treasure for me.

To be honest I don't know what this is about - the emails don't come to me for that account and she set the password after I set her up on it- so to be honest that account has nothing to do with me other than the fact it was originally set up by me. she didn't even know what an "@" symbol was. I do believe one item has been bought by her in the past which has been mailed to me as it was a UK item. She does buy lots of polaroid items though for me, and I am sure some come from ebay.

I would have to ask her what it is about, but other than her being my mother, I can't take responsibility for her when she doesn't live in the same country! I do often get items sent to her in the USA though, items that i want when I am over there when I don't want to pay international shipping.

rodeo 2011-03-15 // 10:21:49

Ok so having lost out on 33 packs of sx-70 on eBay for an obscene price, I am pleading for anyone with a stock to consider selling me some or trading.

As you may know, sx-70 is like heroin for me. And we are going on a big American road trip for six weeks in September and I am in desperate need of film as I now have zero, yes ZERO packs of SX-70.

I will pay proper money for it, bankrupting myself if needs be.

Thank you for listening to an addict's plea.

rodeo 2011-03-10 // 14:46:57

ebay fun:»link

Yes, it's just the string!

Valley-Forge 2011-03-07 // 08:42:39

And if you like 3D cameras such as the wierd but quite crap Nishika 8000 or 9000 then here are the original tutorial video's starring again the magnificent Vincent Price - although looking weak here in his last years.BTW you can still get NOS Nishika 8000's on eBay for around £10-£25.
Part One
Part Two

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