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zveliakine 2016-12-18 // 14:36:21

thanks G. and Valley for these previews. At last a square format for Instax film ! Just can't wait... On the other hand, the Leica seems nothing more that an Instax mini with an expensive logo on it.... But indeed, would all this have happened if Unsaleable/Polanoid/Impossible people had not kept the dream alive for some years ? Not sure...

BastianK 2015-05-08 // 01:48:39

Thank you so much for liking my pic.
It's a dream to see it as a Sotd.


noidmeister 2015-02-11 // 18:36:09

@rodeo, i saw your video for it, sounds like a hefty project! ill sticky your link to polanoid for the remainder of your kickstarter!

do any of you guys ever have dreams instant film related? last night, horrible night, had a temp of 38,2, i had however a really cool dream, found a bunch of films at a old wearhouse, dare i say it may have been haunted.. with this weird sales clerk that was trying to get rid of all his stuff b4 .. whatever it was happend.. anywazy . even 4 x 5 and i was like oh fuck ill have to give bastian and julia a call.. anyway, thought maybe some of you might enjoy this weird story..

keep up the great work


BastianK 2015-01-28 // 12:19:51

Hello dear people at polanoid.
I will say THANK YOU SO MUCH for my last two Sotd's. The one with the dogs on it was just my dream to see it on the cover and you made it come true.
I took it at a place where every year so many people with their dogs are waiting for good snow and cold temperatures. It's getting warmer and warmer and the snow is becoming lesser and lesser. I hope i have the chance to show this competition of the sledge dogs my kids in the future…
It's a great pleasure to see the cover with the heroes of winter…


BastianK 2014-01-12 // 17:11:19

Thank you so very much for voting my Iceland impression to the cover.
It's a great pleasure for me seeing it on top today. That's such a special shot for myself. I dreamt so much of this place while planning our trip to iceland and i waited all the time to reach this spot.
It's so powerful and beautiful.

Thanks for supporting it!


LATELIERp 2013-09-26 // 09:32:40

I don't really know why it's only today that i want to scream on the roof of this place, but i woke up this morning and while surfing on polanoid, i just got more and more sad seeing how this place became in the last year., but also how nothing is really happening anyways.

i feel it has turn radically to an other purpose.
a part from the fact that the site itself breaks down every now and then, i don't see anymore interesting topics, fights, discussions on the news fead. i only see photographers promoting their own work or project else where. flicker, Facebook, kickstarter, ...
i remember few years back how people would react if one was promoting himself a little too much.
THIS IS A NEW COMMUNITY. the other one is dead. so what shall we do with it, what is it now? how can we again push this place to an extreme in regard to the place it wants to go?
it's now in the grey zone. not this, not that.
let's wake up. let's not go back in history, let's push it forward. let's break the walls.
i'm fucking bored, i don't even upl pictures anymore, since i don't really know why one would.
but i'm still a member and want to stay a member.
this place once helped me to connect and learn, and dream. but now what is it for me?
can someone guide me?

i'm for progress not for stagnation. let's keep moving hard...

have a good day everyone.

BastianK 2012-12-09 // 16:34:51

Sorry for uploading trees and landscapes again. :-)
But that's where i live, what i enjoy and what i am dreaming of...
I hope that you are not banishing me from polanoid because of that.
I love to share with you my images and it's always a great pleasure for me to get response by all of you guys.

Have a good time and do what you do :-)


Gabbiano_Nero 2012-10-21 // 14:06:46 (private)

When I was 14 years old I've seen three photos that changed my life. That time I didn't know anything about Polaroid and Tarkovsky, but when I held these photos in my hands I stood breathless and couldn't stop looking. I just thought how it is possible to keep a light and a time in a small square of plastic. Three Polaroids made by one of the greatest film directors in the world. From those 3 pictures started my love to Polaroid. I dreamed about Polaroid camera and I've got 635CL and since that time I made tonns of pictures. Later I've got also SX70, Spectra, SLR and some others, but I always keep my first 635CL with me even if I don't use it anymore. And until now I love Tarkovsky's polaroids most of all and until now I don't understand how he could make such photos. Since that time when I fell in love for these pictures I'm dreaming to make pictures at least slightly close to Tarkovsky.

mattla-p 2012-07-11 // 05:50:14

just adapted my 250 battery to a cheap flashlight battery carriage- (3)AAA's and electrical tape with no permanent modifications. add a lil fuji FP100c and she works like a dream. can't believe this thing predates the SX-70 cameras- beautiful, deep, colorful exposures.

witzlin 2011-12-31 // 14:09:34

::happy new year::
wish you all a wonderful 2012
and may all your dreams come true

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